Frequently asked questions about Bocas

Last updated on 02/05/2024
What are the services offered by Chabad of Bocas Panama?
Chabad house services: Traveler center, Friday night meals, Shabbat meals, Weekday prayers, Shabbat prayers
At what time can you put on tefillin in Bocas? What time does the sun set? When does Shabbat start?
Is there a Mikveh in Bocas
Are there kosher restaurants in Bocas?
Where can I eat Shabbat and holiday meals in Bocas Panama?
Chabad house holds Shabbat and holiday meals upon prior registration, we would be delighted for you to join us register here
When does the Shabbat/holiday begin in Bocas Panama
The upcoming Shabbat, Parshat Beshalach (Shabbat Shirah) (07-08/02/2025)
Shabbat begins: 18:18, Shabbat ends: 19:09
Is there an Eruv in Bocas Panama?
There is no Eruv in Bocas
Which hotels are close to the Chabad house?
What is there to do in Bocas?
In Bocas there is a wide variety of attractions, list of recommended attractions
What is the best season for perfect weather to travel in Panama?

In Panama, the climate is tropical and warm throughout the year. The main differences felt throughout the year are the differences in the amounts of rainfall in the various regions of the country, during the different seasons.
The seasons in Panama are divided into two main seasons:

1. From May to November, it is the rainy season, during which larger amounts of precipitation can be seen.

2. The second season of the year is the dry season, which occurs between December and April each year.
Rain is a common occurrence in the skies of Panama, throughout all seasons of the year.